Scott’s Story continued...
By opening up and being vulnerable with others, they could not only help each other but also themselves by recognizing that what they have gone through has value to those who hear it. It was this realization that inspired me to create Shareapy - a safe online space where people from all walks of life can come together, tell their stories, and receive support from one another.
The idea for Shareapy is simple: no matter what your story is, or where you are in life, there is always something we can learn when we listen to the stories of others. We all have unique perspectives on life’s journey, which can offer hope and lessons for us all. Through sharing our stories – however painful or joyous – we can all find strength in our common humanity. We believe everyone should be given the opportunity to feel heard and supported in times of need; Shareapy provides a way for people to do just that.
Since starting Shareapy, my team and I have been incredibly humbled by the response we have received from people around the world. Every day new members join us to tell their stories - stories about love lost or found again; about incredible journeys into self-discovery; about healing from trauma; about friendship and companionship; about dreams fulfilled or ones still waiting for manifestation; and so much more! In hearing these incredible stories of human resilience, I am constantly reminded of why this project means so much to me – because it allows us all to grow together through compassion, understanding, empathy and humility.
Be well!